
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blogger Code Converter

blogger code converter
To place banner code within the HTML editor in Blogger is the liberation of this file places XML codes, you must first about
Get code from partner blog advertising such as Adsense or adBrite or any other company Kasmoshn is to do following
- Put code in the box below in orange:
Then press the button "Convert".
Will convert the code for an immediate advertising copy it and put ads in places like the appearance of ads
Will Ntitriq in other blog entries for the possibility of placing ads in your blog

You can also add this tool to your site through this code

<script src=";up_grows=10&amp;up_conv1=1&amp;up_conv2=1&amp;up_conv3=1&amp;up_conv4=1&amp;up_conv5=1&amp;synd=open&amp;w=320&amp;h=200&amp;title=Blogger+Code+Converter&amp;border=%23ffffff%7C0px%2C1px+solid+%23998899%7C0px%2C1px+solid+%23aa99aa%7C0px%2C2px+solid+%23bbaabb%7C0px%2C2px+solid+%23ccbbcc&amp;output=js">

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